Provocative Conceptual Art Ideas from Franz Szony
Photographer, fashion designer, and concept artist Franz Szony create his fabulous artworks in the surreal world of excessive rococo. The basement of his conceptual art ideas are the motives of classical art; implicated with a Greek mythology; wrapped in magnificent draperies of sensuality and ambiguity.
He brings to the reality surrealistic paintings, using the real interiors and landscapes, real models and loves to control every detail in the process of the creation by himself: the luxurious suits, which he develops himself, the makeup ideas, the shadows, and lights …. everything you see on the picture done by the artist. Then he manipulates the images and as the result, you can see those magnificent and powerful artworks. The range of color palettes you can see in his artworks is soft, pastel, but filled up with great and very bright energy.
See More on Instagram @franzszony.
Pablo Picasso said that every child is born an artist, the problem is how to remain one once we grow up. The problem is to remain an artist, growing up. You decide whether this guy has remained an artist after growing up or not.
Conceptual Art Ideas