Habits To Help You Staying Out of Trouble
We all go through trials and tribulations in life, but most of us want to stay on the right side of life and the right side of the law. Staying out of trouble is easy enough if you know how to and can spot those occasions where scenarios or decisions could get you in trouble both under the law’s eyes but also in terms of your own health and safety. With that being said, let’s look at ten habits to keep yourself out of trouble.
Listen to Your Gut
Firstly, trust and listen to your gut. We all have a natural instinct to suspect danger or something not being quite right. And when that’s the case, we always refer to trusting your gut. In reality, it’s really much more about how you feel at that moment. That nervous feeling you get in the pit of your stomach, sweaty palms, or your heart beating fast. If there’s anything that’s challenging your fight or flight mode, it’s best you stay far away from it as much as you can.
Our instincts exist for a reason, and they can help to protect us from any danger that we experience throughout our lives. It’s all about listening to oneself and making sure that the decisions we make in life, aren’t going to bring any harm or disaster in our lives. So next time you find yourself in a situation, listen to your gut and trust your instincts above all else. It could be something that in it’s extreme, could save your life!
Surround Yourself With The Right Crowds
It’s always best to surround yourself with those who are going to bring out the best in you. You want people who are going to bring you up and support you with everything you do in life, rather than bringing you down in any way.
With that being said, it’s a good idea to surround yourself with the right crowds, in whatever situation or point you are in your life. This could be people in your personal life, your work life, or any hobbies that you might take up. The last thing you want is anyone who could intentionally, or unintentionally get you into trouble and the risk is higher when you’re doing something you shouldn’t be doing.
At the same time, you also want to look after your own mental wellbeing. There can be a lot of people out there that can feed off other people’s unhappiness and even though it’s something that they need to tackle within themselves, you shouldn’t be their punchbag both physically and mentally.
Remove yourself from the situation where you can and surround yourself with the right people who are going to help you in life, rather than hinder it.
Stay Grounded
Sometimes, life can offer us a lot of great opportunities that could see a lot of success. That success might come with financial gain, or it could be that it puts you in a position where you’re seen as being someone more influential and perhaps powerful in some respects.
However, at the end of the day, we all bleed the same and we all die eventually. With these facts in mind, it’s important to stay grounded. That’s why whenever you get into a position where you’ve become more successful in some way, you don’t allow that success get to your head.
A lot of us can allow that to happen to some degree, but it’s all about controlling those temptations. You shouldn’t want to cause upset to other people, and if you do, then that’s really a journey that you should go on to fix.
Treat others like you’d want to be treated. It’s a simple saying and one that’s said perhaps too often, but there’s a lot of truth to it.
Know When To Cut The Cord
There are friendships and relationships out there that are not healthy for you. For some, the realization of this might not be something you spot straight away, and sometimes it can end up being too late. Toxic relationships in your life need to be cut for the sake of your own health and wellbeing.
The last thing you want is those individuals putting you in danger or potentially threatening your freedom with juvenile crime. We can easily find ourselves in situations that maybe we don’t want to be in when it comes to hindsight. So try to focus on who is influencing you in the right direction and who might be influencing you in the wrong way.
Be Grateful For What You Have
We can often become ungrateful with what we’ve got, not realizing that perhaps there’s those that are worse off out there. You may also have come from a point where you didn’t have these luxuries or opportunities before and so it’s good to reflect on that in order to keep your ground.
Being grateful is something that we can all do more of because there’s a lot of things in our life that can make us realize that we’re lucky. From simply having a roof over our head to being able to treat ourselves to new clothes every so often. Practicing gratitude is something you should definitely aim to get into when it comes to your life. We can all be better at being more appreciative and grateful for what we have and what we could also achieve in life.
Be Financially Savvy
Money problems and issues can often be the cause of getting into trouble. It can also be the result of more worrying outcomes like going to jail or losing loved ones. There are many temptations out there, and when comparing yourself to others who are perhaps better off than you, it can lead you to try and live a lifestyle that you just can’t sustain.
Being financially savvy is definitely something you could do more of. We’re all capable of earning money and saving that money if we really tried hard. It’s important to remember that keeping yourself safe is all that matters and money can provide that security.
Staying Out of Trouble: Know Your Limits
Your limits are going to be different from others. Some are extreme adrenaline junkies, whereas other people are nervous flyers. We all have our limits in terms of how much we’d want to push our bodies and what we’ll do to put ourselves under pressure or stress. When it comes to our bodies, there’s only so much we can do, and so it’s important to realize and recognize these limits in order to keep you safe.
Be wise to your limits and if you come across anything that is out of your comfort zone, push it until it’s too much. We all aim to overcome our fears, but some fears can pose a danger to us that we don’t realize until it’s too late. Be aware of what these are and when to stop.
Learn To Say No
Trouble can appear simply by saying yes to something. Yes, you’ll go to that party where they’re doing illegal drugs. Yes, you’ll get into a car when the driver has drunk more than they should have in order to drive. Learning to say no to things in life can protect you and your life.
With less severe actions and events, simply saying no to something can mean you can prioritize yourself for the day or evening. Perhaps you don’t want to go for dinner, or you don’t want to pick up that extra work commitment in your job. There are lots of things we can say yes to, but it’s hard to say no when we want to.
Don’t Give Into The Gossip
Gossip can be something that ends up exposing you or those you talk to about it, as people that can’t be trusted. When it comes to your friendships and relationships, it’s always important, to be honest. You don’t want to go about your life talking behind people’s backs because the reality is that you wouldn’t like that to happen to you.
Try not to give in to gossip, whether it’s personal friendships or in the workplace. Workplace gossiping could also get you into more trouble than it’s worth.
Everything we do is influenced by our brain, and if we sometimes stopped and thought about our decisions, we might make better choices. Meditation has become a very popular practice to do for those who want to be in touch more with their mental health and how they process daily life events, etc.
It might be that you try it out a bit each morning or that you focus on doing it in the evening. Find a time that works for you and allow yourself to find a place where you can relax and get in touch with your mind.
Keeping yourself out of trouble is essential to have a happier and fulfilled life. Try to spot danger where you can, look after yourself, and focus on the good in life.