Saving Yourself Some Money This Winter
2020 has been a tough year for all of us, both mentally and financially. With many of us scraping to keep our jobs or being forced to find a new one, it can be hard to stay on top of our finances.
This winter, we want to talk to you about some of the easiest ways to save yourself money this winter. These simple everyday tips should stop you from overspending and allow you to save some real dough before the festive season begins.
Create a direct debit
If you are one of the many of us who struggles to save money, now is the time to take it out of your hands. When you get paid, set up a direct debit that immediately puts a small amount of money into your savings account. This might be once a week, once a fortnight, or once a month – but will accumulate over time and land you with a lovely little savings pot.
Saving Yourself Some Money: Avoid driving too much
Driving in winter can be dangerous. The viability and wet conditions cause many more accidents and trips to car accident lawyers than summer, and you want to avoid being part of it. By choosing to work from home and get shopping delivered, you’ll not only save the risk of paying for an accident lawyer; but you’ll also save on fuel!
Use your slow cooker
A slow cooker is an essential item for everyone to have in their kitchen in winter. If you don’t already have a slow cooker at home, you should invest in one and see the benefits of saving money on meals. Slow cooker meals such as braising steak, stew, curry, chili, and more can be made and feed the whole family for a few days. Instead of making lots of little meals every day, make big batches and save money on ingredients and cooking time.
Make your own coffee 
We know how tempting it can be to head to the local Costa coffee or Starbucks on a cold winter morning, but these little expenditures build up. £4 for a coffee here and there builds up over a month and leads to you spending a fair amount on something that is not essential. Instead of spending money on coffee, make your own drinks at home with a cheap coffee maker or a coffee press. Sure, you’ll have to spend a little money to start with, but it is so much cheaper than coffee shops!
Delete shopping apps
We all know how easy it can be when sitting on the sofa in the evening to open up clothing apps and have a little look. However, if you do this a lot, you are more likely to buy the odd T-shirt here and dress there… These small purchases build up in price over time and will cost you a lot during the year. Avoid looking at these apps by deleting them from your devices all together! It’s a small job, but out of sight, out of mind really works.