How to Set Up Your Own Adult Sports Team
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How to Set Up Your Own Adult Sports Team

If you have been thinking about getting active again and you want to get into sports, but there are no suitable adult teams in your area, you might consider setting up one of your own.

Well, the good news is that setting up your own sports team is something anyone can do  (yes, even if you’re an adult who hasn’t seen any action on the field since you were a kid.

Here’s how:

  1. Choose Your Sport

Before you do anything else, you will need to work out which game it is that you really want to play, and if you are honest, which sport will be manageable for you to play at your level of fitness right now.

Sure, soccer might sound good, but you might need to make it walking soccer if you are old and infirm, right? But be sure to pick a sport that you and your potential teammates are excited about while you are deciding.

  1. Gather Your Team

Now that you’ve chosen your sport, it’s time to build your squad. Start with your friends and colleagues, but don’t be afraid to expand your network.

Use social media, community boards, or local sports apps to find like-minded athletes in your area. Remember, the goal is to have fun, so look for people who are more interested in having a good time than winning at all costs.

  1. Name and Brand Your Team

Every great team needs a killer name and maybe a logo to match. Get creative and choose something that reflects your team’s spirit.

Whether it’s a pun (‘Scared Hitless’ for softball, anyone?) or something that makes you all feel like the badasses you are, a good name can boost team morale and make your jerseys the envy of the league.

  1. Gear Up

Yes, buying equipment is necessary unless you plan on playing imaginary basketball. Start with the essentials—balls, uniforms, and safety gear—and find ways to cut costs by buying in bulk from Soccer Goal or searching for second-hand gear, for example. Don’t forget to splurge a little on matching team jerseys, because let’s face it, looking like a team is half the battle.

  1. Find a Place to Play

You’ll need a real-life place to play unless you’re playing virtual reality sports. Check out local parks, school gyms, or community centers. Many places have fields and courts that can be rented for a reasonable fee. Make sure the location is convenient for most players to maximize attendance and minimize last-minute bail-outs.

  1. Join a League or Go Rogue

Decide whether you want to join an established league or just set up friendly matches against similar teams. Leagues offer structured competition but may come with more rules and less flexibility. Playing independently allows you to set your own schedule and pace.

  1. Schedule Practice

Practice makes perfect, but let’s be honest, it also makes it more likely that you’ll actually get some exercise in. Organize regular practices to help your team get better and to foster a sense of commitment. Just make sure you keep them fun—think music, drills that feel more like games, and maybe some post-practice socializing.

  1. Establish Rules and Expectations

To avoid any drama, set some basic ground rules right from the start. Discuss things like attendance, punctuality, and sportsmanship. It’s important that everyone is on the same page to keep the game fun and fair.

  1. Appoint Leaders

While you don’t need a full-on bureaucracy, having a few people in charge of organizing games, practices, and communicating with league officials can keep things running smoothly. Elect a captain or two who are not only passionate about the sport but also good at herding cats, I mean, organizing people.

  1. Leverage Technology for Management

Use technology to streamline team management. Apps like TeamSnap or Heja are great for organizing schedules, sending updates, and managing payments. They make communication a breeze and keep everyone in the loop with minimal fuss.

  1. Fundraising and Sponsorships

Consider fundraising or seeking local sponsorships if gear and rental fees are piling up. Local businesses might be interested in sponsoring your team in exchange for having their logo on your jerseys. It’s a win-win—extra funds for you and local exposure for them.

  1. Customize Your Training

Not everyone on your team will be at the same fitness level. Consider incorporating customized training regimens that cater to varying levels of ability. This approach ensures that everyone benefits from practice and can participate without feeling left behind or unchallenged.

  1. Create a Signature Move or Chant

Stand out with a team signature move or chant. It can be a fun dance move after a goal or a unique team chant that you perform pre-game. This not only boosts morale but also gives your team a unique identity.

  1. Develop a Code of Conduct

To ensure that everyone enjoys their time, establish a code of conduct that addresses behavior during games and social events. This helps manage expectations and maintain a positive and respectful environment for all team members.

  1. Invest in Professional Coaching

Occasionally, bring in a professional coach for a training session. This can provide new techniques and insights that improve the team’s performance and dynamics. It’s also a great morale booster, showing the team that they’re worth investing in.

  1. Track Progress and Goals

Keep track of both team and individual progress throughout the season. Celebrate milestones like most improved player, or reaching team goals like winning a certain number of matches. Recognition can be a huge motivator.

  1. Organize Travel Matches

Once your team is more established, consider organizing travel matches or participating in tournaments in other cities. This not only challenges the team with new competition but also can be a fun travel adventure that strengthens team bonds.

  1. Offer Off-Season Activities

Keep the team spirit alive even off-season. Organize different activities like bowling nights, barbecues, or charity volunteer work as a team. This keeps the group connected year-round.

  1. Prioritize Safety

Always prioritize safety. Ensure that all team members have the proper gear and that everyone understands how to play safely. Regularly review safety rules and check equipment for wear and tear.

  1. Encourage Family and Friends to Attend

Make games an event that team members’ families and friends will want to attend. Consider adding half-time shows, having a snack bar, or organizing mini-games for kids during breaks.

  1. Celebrate the End of the Season

Plan a big end-of-season celebration. Whether it’s a formal banquet, a casual picnic, or an awards ceremony, finishing the season with a celebration can leave everyone with good memories and looking forward to the next season.

  1. Feedback is Key

At the end of the season, ask for feedback. What did everyone enjoy? What could be improved? This helps you plan better for future seasons and shows your team that their opinions are valued.

  1. Consider Non-Player Roles

Not everyone may want to play. Some might prefer non-playing roles, such as managing social media, taking photos, or even coordinating events. These roles help more people get involved and enhance the overall team experience.

  1. Foster a Culture of Learning

Encourage a culture where learning and improvement are valued more than winning. Workshops, video analysis sessions, and peer-to-peer coaching can all contribute to a rich learning environment.

  1. Use Social Media

These days, you’re probably going to want to create a social media presence for your team so you can share updates, celebrate victories, and communicate with supporters. It’s a great way to build your community and keep everyone engaged, and it won’t take up too much of your time either.

  1. Get Social

What’s a team without a little team bonding? Plan regular social events that go beyond the game. Whether it’s grabbing dinner after practice, celebrating birthdays, or hosting a family day, social events can strengthen friendships and keep morale high.

  1. Celebrate Wins and Losses

Win or lose; you should definitely celebrate every game you play because, sure, winning is great but putting effort into each and every training session and the game is not anything, and you deserve to pat yourselves on the back for that effort. Besides, any reason for a little post-game toast or a team selfie is a good one, right?

  1. Keep the Spirit Alive

Oh, remember that it’s always essential to keep the team spirit alive as best you can because you know what? It’s meant to be fun.

So, why not update a team blog, share photos, or create highlight reels for your wins that you can send out as the season progresses? This will keep everyone bonded and motivated and allow you all to relive those epic moments that make it worthwhile.

Starting your own adult sports team can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your grown-up life, not only because it will get you moving and keep you fit but also because it will enable you to meet new people, make new friends, and maybe even get back a little of that glory you can still remember from that time you hit a home run in little league. Spirt is for anyone of any age.

Article by

Alla Levin

Seattle business and lifestyle content creator who can’t get enough of business innovations, arts, not ordinary people and adventures.

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Alla Levin

Hi, I’m Alla, a Seattle business and lifestyle content creator who can’t get enough of business innovations, arts, not ordinary people and adventures. My mission is to help you grow in your creativity, travel the world, and live life to the absolute fullest!

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