Ways to Improve your Work-from-Home Environment to Boost Business Success
Maybe you’re dreaming about working from home, in your pajamas, with a cup of steaming hot coffee in your hands. Or maybe you’re already there, enjoying the blissful mornings without the hell of commute and getting to the office on time.
Regardless, working from home can be a fantastic way to improve productivity because it promotes a more relaxed environment. But this is not true for everybody.
In fact, some new entrepreneurs find working from home distracting. Furthermore, the liberty of making your own schedule and deciding when to work can be quite stressful for someone who is used with constant supervision.
Luckily, there is a workaround. All you need to do is optimize the work environment for maximum productivity. And, to make sure you have some guidance, below are five ways to make sure your brain stays focused when working from home.
#1: Separate Work & Personal Life
We know it’s a bit difficult to do so when work and personal are under the same roof. But it’s not impossible!
We had a chat with several successful entrepreneurs, who work from home, and their number one advice is to create a separation between office and home. If space allows it, it’s best to have a home office, where to keep everything work-related.
If not, make sure to have a desk and organize your files, technology, and everything else around it. While there are no walls to create a visual separation, it is important to keep everything in one place. This helps with task organization as well, since you won’t be performing personal tasks while you are in the office.
In time, you’ll learn to create time slots for work and for personal time. However, it is important to start with this mindset to let the idea sink in. Otherwise, you’ll continue thinking of the entire home space as an area for relaxation and entertainment, which is not exactly productivity-oriented.
#2: Dress Up for Work 
Another secret to trick your brain into a productive mode is to ditch the pajamas.
The good news is that you don’t have to bring forth the office attire with stiff clothes, tie, and high heels. Since you’re working from home, you can choose comfy outfits, but they should be acceptable in a casual staff meeting.
The explanation is quite similar to the phenomenon associated with making the bed every morning – it sets the right mood for productivity. The simple habit of getting dressed for work every morning will put your brain into a goal-oriented setting.
#3: Don’t Isolate Yourself from the World
Just because you’re away from the office, it doesn’t mean you should stop enriching your skillset! Moreover, if you decided to follow your own business ideas, it’s crucial that you stay up to date with the latest news and developments in the fields that matter.
So, make sure to stay connected with quality resources such as authority blogs, a well-established online learning platform, and the news. Also, don’t forget about the importance of networking, both online and offline!
Work from home can be a solitary endeavor, but this should only make you more determined to stay connected and informed! Go to social events where you might meet other people in your business niche and keep your mind open to new ideas.
#4: Learn Your Rhythm
We all have a specific rhythm when it comes to productivity. For instance, some people work better in the morning, and others have a creativity boost in the afternoon.
When you work in an office, you don’t need to keep track of these fluctuations because the environment is designed to keep you busy. However, when you’re on your own, it becomes easier to procrastinate without knowing why.
By keeping track of your daily rhythm, you’ll know how to schedule work throughout the day, so you’ll get the most done. Also, it becomes easier to stay away from temptations and distractions if you know how to manage your so-called downtimes.
#5: Change the Environment
Sometimes it’s not about improving the environment; it’s about changing it.
If you feel you can’t get creative and productive at home, take your laptop or tablet and go to a coffee shop you like. Or maybe it will be helpful to rent an office space and see how things go from this perspective.
Still, if you are working from home, it can be difficult to leave every time you have a creative blockage. As such, you can change the environment in the house by having a dedicated area where the brain is conditioned to get in ‘work mode’. It can be a room dedicated to office space or it can be a special corner where no one can find and bother you.
Other tricks that help change the atmosphere can be as simple as lighting an aromatic candle or moving the furniture around. The secret is to keep an open mind and look for an approach that keeps you motivated, even when things don’t look too bright.
Wrap Up
Anyone who made the switch from a 9-to-5 job to working from home knows it’s not easy. However, with the right tools and the right mindset, you’ll learn to love it, so don’t give up when things start to look a bit gloomy!
Oli Kang
Oli is a working mum who has a passion for teaching and all things educational. With a background in marketing, Oli manages the digital channels and content at Courses.com.au.
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